Dev & Design Meetup #11
Dev & Design Meetup Hamburg
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The first 2025 edition of the Dev & Design Meetup will take place on Thursday, 13 February 2025, in the Code Working Space.
Admission is between 18:00 and 18:30.
As always, beginners, experts, career changers and all interested parties are welcome! Admission is free.
A big thank you goes to Code Working Space for providing the drinks and a great space for this evening!
Special thanks also go to O’Reilly Media, who will be supporting the Meetup this year with a selection of relevant specialised titles.
Places are limited. Please register for the event in advance by clicking on the ‘Participate’ button below.
Translated with (free version)
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“Alice in A11yLand”
Eszter Schuffert (UX & A11y Consultant, Netlight) & Leon Schmid (UX Consultant & Frontend Developer, Netlight)
“Die zwei Varianten: Erfolg und Scheitern in der Web Experimentation”
Marcel Birkhahn (Technical Lead Web Development, Steinberg Media Technologies)
Talk #1 auf Englisch, Talk #2 auf Deutsch
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18:00 Doors
18:30 Warm-Up & Quiz
18:45 Talk #1
19:30 Short Break
19:45 Talk #2
20:30 Networking Time
22:00 End